Become a Volunteer today

We cannot achieve what we do without the invaluable contributions and dedication of our volunteers

Join us and help make a difference in the lives of our young beneficiaries. Even the littlest of efforts can go a long way in improving how our beneficiaries live. All of your contributions matter. Remember, volunteering your time will directly help the well-being of sick children and their families at both the National University Hospital Singapore, and the Institute of Mental Health Singapore.

Register your interest
To register your interest in becoming a volunteer, please send an email to [email protected]!                                                                                                                 *Do note that the minimum age to participate in our volunteer programmes is 16 years old.

Hear from our Volunteers

Queena Lim
Queena Lim
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“During my time volunteering here, I really enjoyed the conversations with the RMHC staff. It was truly inspiring to hear about the experiences and bonds forged with families during their stay. I also enjoyed volunteering for the Happy Wheels Cart. I felt that a small gesture like giving complimentary snacks, drinks and toys to children and parents before their consultations really brought many smiles to their faces. In the future, I hope to spread the word of the heartening work that RMHC does and inspire more peers to volunteer with RMHC.”
Joseph Harrison Ungerman
Joseph Harrison Ungerman
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“I know from personal experience that a hospital can be a stressful place for family members of a sick child. I was born six weeks prematurely and while I am fortunate to be healthy now, I have empathy for families facing medical crises. Volunteering with RMHC every Sunday allows me to have a positive impact by hosting a comforting space in an emotionally straining environment. I have learned that some of the most meaningful experiences can be non-verbal – a simple gesture like holding the door open or helping to pour a beverage can communicate support and be met with gratitude. I witness the families’ resilience, which reaffirms the importance of this volunteer work. As I continue my journey with RMHC, I hope that my efforts make a difference in the lives of the families even if it’s just by being a friendly face when they need it most.”
Jade Wangdi
Jade Wangdi
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Jade first learned about RMHC by volunteering and coordinating toy donation drives in the Greater Houston RMHC where she is originally from. Here in Singapore, Jade manages a programme with American Women’s Association (AWA) that helps connect members interested in volunteering for RMHC. “It has been fulfilling to give my free time to such a good cause. I enjoy my interactions with the staff and families, everyone has been warm and inviting. I would like to continue to volunteer for RMHC and look forward to exploring different areas where my talents might be useful especially while working with children and families going through a hard time. I hope to live a life of philanthropy to give back to humanity.”
Kieran Nyeo
Kieran Nyeo
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“A memorable experience would probably be when a family gifted us boxes of cookies for the staff and other families. Despite being through so much, the family displayed much tenacity and even wanted to help others facing similar challenges. This really inspired me and strengthened my conviction to volunteer. Moving forward, I hope to be able to serve more families and volunteer on a more regular basis during the school holidays! ”
Lam Seow Ping
Lam Seow Ping
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"I first heard about RMHC Singapore through platform in July 2019 as I was looking for volunteer opportunities for my nephew from United States who came to Singapore for a couple of weeks and we signed up for RMHC Singapore’s coin counting activity. I appreciate the trainings and trust provided. The staff and volunteers are always available to guide and support. The beneficiaries are going through extremely difficult and emotional times, it is therefore the constant assurance from the staff that make the volunteer work easier and yet meaningful."
Mohamed Razali
Mohamed Razali
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After finding out where his round-up donations at McDonald’s were going, Razali learned about RMHC and how the Charity lends support to families with hospitalised children in the Paediatric/ Neonatal Intensive Care Units. He jumped at the opportunity to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House and Ronald McDonald Family Room at National University Hospital in January 2023. As an active volunteer with various other charities, Razali shares that it is fulfilling to spend his rest days paying it forward, and learning how to take care of our facilities and our beneficiaries here at RMHC.