RMHC Events

Annual RMHC Gala Dinner


The annual RMHC Gala Dinner is always a highly anticipated evening where corporate and individual donors, sponsors, volunteers, beneficiaries and staff get together to share their passion and support for the RMHC. In November 2019, our Gala Dinner was held at the Shangri-La Hotel, and it was especially momentous as we were celebrating the 30th anniversary of RMHC, as well as the 40th anniversary of McDonalds in Singapore. That night, through the sale of gala tables, bidding during the Live and Silent Auctions and the grant funding from Tote Board, we raised a total of $502,000.

Annual Volunteer Appreciation Day

In November 2019, we had a fun time at a cook-out at TOTT, Century Square with our Volunteers at our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Day.